lunes, 31 de enero de 2011


Karell: Heres the Newspaper, Virginia

Virginia: Graet. What Movies are Playing?

Karell: The new Megamente Movie is
playing al 7:30pm . Let`s see it!!

virginia: Hmmm... I don´t really want to see that.

Karell: Okay. then we will see Toy Story 3

Virginia: Okay, That sounds good!!

  According to this video i think that its about lingt and to joy by

every people. Any time we get to light, and all those people look so

sad that we have moment of joy and happines!


 Hello welcome to my blog, my name is Karell Castellano i have 27 years old. I`m happily married. I have a bautiful baby, his name is Carlos Miguel (3 years old). I`m studying Integral Education at Rafael Belloso Chacin University (URBE).

 My family
I'm from the city of Maracaibo my greatest wish is to go to the city of orlando florida
truth that is spectacular or not!

                                        mickey and I also love my two beautiful friends garfield

 I hope to give you all the best of myself and i wish to learn more to the English Lenguage.-